Saturday, 22 January 2011

Uroborus - Opportunity to showcase artisitic/writing talents!

Uroborus is most commonly seen as a serpent locked in a constant cycle of eating its own tail. The image is used to represent the eternity of nature, creation being consumed by destruction only to bloom once more into the infinite.

Art is equally cyclical and as the greats of our time rise, they are destined to fall and be replaced by others.

I intend to produce an A5 journal under the guise of Oroborus showcasing new creative talents and in order to help each one rise, all contributors will be asked for a brief bio and some form of contact details (whether it be a website, email address or twitter).

This journal will not only be for people to get more of their work out there, but to also have the opportunity for interested parties to contact them about it.

So, if you want to take part then I will gratefully accept submissions on any subject to the e-mail address erranttentacles [AT] in the following formats:

Short Stories

Please keep in mind that everything needs to be able to fit on A5 pages, maximum submission lengths for written work is 2 pages, for comics 4 pages and artwork 2 but bear in mind only the cover and its inside will be printed in colour so once those 4 have been taken up only black and white submissions can be taken for the inside.

The aim is to have the first edition out by June and a website will be created to coincide with the release. From then on it will be quarterly.

Disclaimer time>
I'm afraid I cannot guarantee that all submissions will be included in the publication but you will be informed whether your work is included or not.
Unfortunately I cannot promise feedback either due to time constraints.
Copyright of all work remains with the creator.

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